Código Civil Interpretado Conforme a Constituição da República (coautoria). v. I. Organizadores: Gustavo Tepedino; Maria Celina Bodin de Moraes; Heloísa Helena Barboza. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2004. 765 p.
The collection comments the articles of the Brazilian Civil Code, throughout four volumes. It introduces unprecedented characteristics to the national legal literature, with the joint effort of 45 authors, pro undivided, that is, without attributing a certain number of pages to a specific author.
As co-author, Mauricio Moreira Menezes participated in the group composed of several generations of professors from different academic backgrounds, united in the task of perceiving law as a social phenomenon and developing a new dogmatic for contemporary civil law.
The interpretation of the Brazilian Civil Code in the light of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, aims to offer hermeneutic solutions from the problems identified in the jurisprudence, considering the content and legislative technique of the Civil Code, in the civil-constitutional perspective.